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What is Bal Ashram?

Bal Ashram was established in the year 1998, as a rehabilitation centre for children rescued from child labour, child slavery and child trafficking in Virat Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Find out more about the Ashram here.

This trip was YEARS in the making. During every biannual visit to Hyderabad, I remember seeing children on the streets, begging for food or money, working in perilous conditions, and doing all sorts of things that I had the privilege of being protected from. Since then, I’ve wanted to do something for these children to assure that they too are protected from child labor & trafficking. Literally a decade in the making and it finally freaking happened!

For some quick context, I work as an intern for the 100 Million Campaign in the U.S., which is part of the Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation. As an intern, I conduct interviews with fellow activists to introduce more mental health awareness, developed and helped launch the Not Everyone is Going #BacktoSchool campaign, and am currently working on building an outreach network for our U.S. team of activists. I’ve been working with 100 Million for about 2 years now and I realized that I want to see and apply what I learn in the classroom as a Psychology major and as a 100 Million intern in real life. Thus, Bal Ashram became that perfect place where I can work directly with survivors of child labor & trafficking.

This page is my attempt to remember and refer back to everything that I will learn from my time at Bal Ashram. It’s also a space for all of you to learn more about Kailash and Sumedha Satyarthi’s efforts to ensure that every child is free, safe, and educated.

